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Chinese Modernization and its Relevance for International Relations
In this Global Governance Lecture, Prof. Ouyang Kang (Huazhong University of Science and Technology) presented the main characteristics of Chinese…
History of Missile Defence
Historical overview of missile defence with special focus on the Soviet Union/Russia
Peacebuilding through the eyes of a practitioner – present challenges and trends
On Nov 13, Sokol Kondi (UNLOPS) will speak about his experiences as a UN staff member working in various field missions. He will reflect on the…
M.Sc. Ksenia Radchenkova at the 5th International Scientific Conference "Legal Tradition and New Legal Challenges"
On October 20th, M.Sc. Ksenia Radchenkova held a presentation “Russian Conceptualization of Sovereignty: Western Legal Tradition Gone Astray” at the…
Visit of the ECUPL delegation from Shanghai
The next step after signing of the MOU between the University of Graz and East China University of Political Science and Law.
Ö1: Maximilian Lakitsch über Bedeutung, Gegenwart und Zukunft der Vereinten Nationen
Im Gespräch mit Barbara Zeithammer analysieren Maximilian Laktisch und Manuela Scheuermann die aktuelle Relevanz der UNO, die Forderungen nach der…
Ksenia Radchenkova at the 4th EACP Biennial Conference, “Interpretation and Reinvention of Chinese Philosophy” University of Macerata 16-18, June 2023
She Space 4th International Call
Guest lecture from University of Graz about International Space Policy
Unpacking Global Governance
The founding Symposium “Unpacking Global Governance” which took place online in December 2021 was followed-up by a hybrid Conference and workshop in…
Guest Teaching at Bar Ilan-University in Israel
Conference Local Peace Formation Asserting Subaltern Visions of Political Legitimacy 2023
This event was organized by the Varna Institute for Peace Research (VIPR) as well as the Department of Global Governance (Institute of the Foundations…
Research visit to Olomouc in a framework of Cooperation Project 2023: Re-conceiving the Prohibition and Regulation of the Resort to Military Force in International Law
17-28 April, Palacký University, Czech Republic
Woman, life, freedom: Is Iran facing a women's revolution?
On March 22, 2023, journalist Solmaz Khorsand spoke about the protests in Iran, which by then had been going on for 7 months. Maximilian Lakitsch…
Wäre Gandhi heute Klimaaktivist?
Heute vor 75 Jahren starb Mahatma Gandhi. Uni-Graz-Forscher Maximilian Lakitsch schlägt eine Brücke vom gewaltfreien Widerstand in der indischen…
Ramon Space Conference
20th Anniversary STS-107