Conceptualizing Change in the World System

Towards a More Complex and Comprehensive Understanding of Peace and Conflict Research.

Online Lecture by Werner Wintersteiner (University of Klagenfurt) in a framework of the lecture series "Peace through Dialogue: Transforming Protracted Conflicts through Local Interactions."

Discussion: Wilfried Graf (Herbert C. Kelman Institute)

Moderation: Jürgen Pirker (University of Graz)

18:00 - 20:00

This online lecture series gathers various international researchers and practitioners related to the paradigm of Interactive Conflict Resolution. They will present and discuss their various approaches to dealing with complex conflicts and the creation of systems that support long-lasting peace. The various sessions will discuss the challenges of dealing with strong disagreements and emphasize the importance of not just resolving conflicts but transforming them. Examples from real-life conflicts, like Georgia-South Ossetia or Cyprus, will emphasize the importance of building connections across conflict lines.