Maximilian Lakitsch
As a peace researcher, Maximilian Lakitsch is interested in the underlying aspects of normative and legal frameworks that make non-violent and just coexistence possible. This concerns both local communities and the international community of states, which is why his work is located within the wider field of international relations. His work revolves around issues of political power, legitimacy and environment, which are altogether becoming increasingly relevant, especially in the wake of the climate crisis. Maximilian Lakitsch is currently working on a political ecology of peace that seeks to adapt international peace efforts to the conditions of the Anthropocene and to thereby make them more effective and sustainable. As part of his work in the Conflict - Peace - Democracy Cluster, he has initiated the Master's Plus module "Peacebuilding and Conflict Transition", which aims to provide students with expertise for working in (post-)war areas.
Selected publications
- 2023 Peace Needs to Embrace the Anthropocene, in Peace Review: A Journal of Social Justice 35:166-174.
- 2023. Peacebuilding in the Anthropocene: Negotiating the Problems of Acting in an Entangled World, in: Anthropocenes - Human, Inhuman, Posthuman 4 (1):3.
- 2022. Grazer Forschungsbeiträge zu Frieden und Konflikt, edited together with Werner Suppanz, Graz: Graz University Library Publishing.
- 2021. Hobbes in the Anthropocene: Reconsidering the State of Nature in Its Relevance for Governing, Alternatives: Global, Local, Political 46 (1):3-16.
- 2013 Unbehagen im modernen Staat: Über die Grundlagen staatlicher Gewalt, Bielefeld: Transcript.
Further publications in the research portal of the University of Graz
Selected projects
► Local Peace Formation (since 2022)
► Graz Research Contributions to Peace and Conflict (since 2021)