Jürgen Pirker
Jürgen Pirker is Professor for Law and Governance and Head of the Department of Global Governance at the Institute for the Foundations of Law of the University of Graz. He is a member of the Council of Europe's Committee of Experts under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages, as well as of the Steering Group of the Austrian Cluster for Conflict, Peace and Democracy, Chairman of the Board of the Young Forum of the Austrian Commission of Jurists (ÖJK) and Chairman of the Curricula Commission for International Study Programs at the Faculty of Law. Previously, he was a professor at the Helmut-Schmidt University Hamburg, senior researcher at the Institute for Minority Rights of the European Academy Bolzano, university assistant at the Institute of Public Law and Political Science at the University of Graz and regular guest lecturer at the Alpen-Adria University Klagenfurt and the University of Teacher Education Carinthia. He has held several international teaching positions.

Selected publications
Collective Rights. Structural questions and development in the jurisprudence on the freedoms of association, nationality and religion in constitutional law since 1848 in: Grabenwarter, Christoph/Schulev-Steindl, Eva/Winkler, Günther (eds.), "Forschungen aus Staat und Recht", vol. 191, Verlag Österreich, Vienna (book and open access), 460 p., forthcoming 2023 [English summary].
History(s) in conflict. The consensus and dialog process in Carinthia: From national conflict to the Alps-Adriatic peace region? Facultas, Vienna, 2018, 376 p.
We are Carinthia - Mi smo Koroška: Youth, Encounters and Political Education in Ethnic Group Issues in: Marko, Joseph/Palermo, Francesco (eds.), Publication series of the European Academy of Bolzano: "Autonomies and Minorities", vol. 22, NOMOS, Baden-Baden, 2013, 157 pp.
Ethnic group law and ethnic group policy in motion Hermagoras, Klagenfurt/Ljubljana/Vienna, 2020, 466 pp. With Gerhard Hafner, Karl Hren, Heinrich Neisser, Martin Pandel, Günther Rautz, Martha Stocker, Kathrin Stainer-Hämmerle and Daniel Wutti. [German/Slovenian]
Carinthia and Slovenia: Separate Paths - Common Future. Youth between homeland, nation and Europe. Koroška in Slovenija: Ločene poti - skupna prihodnost. Mladi o domovini, narodu in Evropi in: Marko, Joseph/Palermo, Francesco (eds.), Publication Series of the European Academy of Bolzano: "Autonomies and Minorities", Vol. 29, NOMOS, Baden-Baden, 2015, 343 pp. Under the auspices of the Austrian and Slovenian UNESCO Commissions. [German/Slovenian]
Further publications in the research portal of the University of Graz