Aistė Mickonytė
Dr. Aistė Mickonytė, LL.M. works as a Senior Scientist at the Center for Eastern European Law and at the Institute for Legal Studies (Department of Global Governance) at the Faculty of Law of the University of Graz. She also serves as Managing Editor of the quarterly journal Review of Central and East European Law and the book series Law in Eastern Europe (published by Brill Nijhoff, Boston/Leiden). She graduated in law from Mykolas Romeris University in Vilnius (Lithuania) and obtained an LL.M. in European Business Law from Lund University (Sweden) in 2012. Her doctoral thesis, which Dr. Mickonyte wrote at the University of Graz, was published in 2019 in the book series Nijhoff Studies in European Union Law under the title "Presumption of Innocence in EU Anti-Cartel Enforcement". Her research areas include European constitutional law with a focus on European fundamental rights and the rule of law, European economic law and Europeanization in the context of the EU's Eastern Partnership.
Selected publications
- Aistė Mickonytė and Benedikt C. Harzl, "Unrecognized entities: politics of constitutionalism at the fringes" in Dimitry Kochenov and Mark Tushnet, Research Handbook on the Politics of Constitutional Law (iE November 2023) 128.
- Paul Gragl, Christian Breitler, Benedikt C. Harzl, Yvonne Karimi-Schmidt, Aiste Mickonyte, Reinmar Nindler (eds.), International Dimensions of Law and Comparative Law (Vienna: LexisNexis, 2023).
- Aistė Mickonytė, "The rule of law put to the test. Current developments in the case law of the ECJ and ECtHR", in Judith Sild (ed.), Europarechtstag 2021 (Vienna: Jan Sramek, 2022), 275-299.
- Aistė Mickonytė, "EU Citizenship in Light of Secessionist Movements in the EU", in Benedikt C. Harzl, Roman Petrov (eds.): Unrecognized Entities. Perspectives in International, European and Constitutional Law (Leiden/Boston: Brill Nijhoff, 2021), 130-149.
- Aistė Mickonytė, 'Article 15', in Emma Lantschner/Doris Angst (eds.), ICERD International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination. Handkommentar (Zurich/St. Gallen: Nomos/Verlag Österreich, 2020), 511-516.
- Benedikt Harzl, Aistė Mickonytė, "Armenia Caught Between (In-)Compatible Legal Orders: Paths of Competitive and Cumulative Integration" 1 Osteuropa-Recht (2019), 107-134.
- Aistė Mickonytė, Presumption of Innocence in EU Anti-Cartel Enforcement (Leiden/Boston: Brill Nijhoff, 2019)
- Aistė Mickonytė, "Effects of the Rule-of-Law Crisis in the EU: Towards Centralization of the EU System of Judicial Protection", 79(4) Zeitschrift für Ausländisches Öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht (2019), 815-839.
- Aistė Mickonytė, "Bougnaoui (Case C-188/15) and G4S Secure Solutions (Case C-157/15) in European Legal Scholarship", in: Hinghofer-Szalkay/Kalb (eds.), Islam, Law and Diversity (Vienna: Verlag Österreich, 2018), 539 - 573.
- Aistė Mickonytė, "The Right to a Name Versus National Identity in the Context of EU Law: The Case of Lithuania", 42(4) Review of Central and East European Law (2017), 325-363.
Further publications in the research portal of the University of Graz