Long-term processes of transnationalization, secularization, de-secularization, and political mobilization of and by religion fostered wide-ranging and fundamental transformations in various regards. Among others, they are of great relevance for issues of social and system integration within liberal democratic states on the one hand and for international relations on the other hand. In order to elaborate on these challenges, a paradigm shift away from the Westphalian paradigm of the state and related conceptual and methodological thinking about state, law, and religion is crucial. Therefore, the conference aims at discussing inter- and intra-disciplinary perspectives of political, religious, legal, and cultural dimensions.
Amon others, the list of speakers comprises Tariq Modood (University of Bristol), Ahmet Kuru (San Diego State University), Eileen Barker (LSE), Carlo Aldrovandi (Trinity College Dublin), Dino Abazovic (University of Sarajevo), Dina El Omari (University of Münster), Henriette Dahan Kalev (Ben Gurion University), Jocelyne Cesari (University of Birmingham), Alessandro Ferrari (University of Insubria), Mikhail Antonov (HSE St. Petersburg) or Mohammed Abu-Nimer (American University Washington & KAICIID Vienna). The conference program can be downloaded here.