LAWCONRESC – Law and Conflict Resolution in the South Caucasus
Drawing on a number of already successfully held international summer schools in the region revolving around matters pertaining to Europeanization and conflict resolution, this intensive seminar aims to unpack the various multifaceted dimensions and challenges of Europeanization process and peace-building in a broader context. It will also explore its impact on the state of affairs of different spheres such as political institutions, security strategies, diversity management and conflict resolution, geopolitical choices as well as social and cultural practices. By aiming to develop a transferable model of post-Soviet transition, the summer school will look particularly at the case of Armenia.
The summer school program will comprise a series of lectures on subjects including international law, the resolution of ethnic conflict, Track 2 and 3 initiatives, diversity management and regional policy. In addition, participants will have the opportunity to visit the Monitoring Mission of the EU in Armenia, the Office of the Council of Europe and the Constitutional Court of Armenia. The program will also include a variety of other events. Upon completion, participants will be awarded certificates issued by YSU and the University of Graz. The seminar is credited for students of the University of Graz with 5 ECTS.