Peace through Dialogue: Transforming Protracted Conflicts through Local Interactions
Die Ringvorlesung "Peace through Dialogue" im Sommersemester 2024 wird in englischer Sprache abgehalten.
8.04.2024 Individual Agency in Interactive Peacemaking: Insights from Georgian–South Ossetian Experience
Lecture: Susan Allen (George Mason University)
Discussion: Benedikt Harzl (University of Graz)
Moderation: Tamra Pearson d'Estrée (University of Denver)
15.04.2024 Engaging in the Face of Non–Negotiability: From Resolution to Transformation
Lecture: Ofer Zalzberg (Herbert C. Kelman Institute)
Discussion: Susan Allen (George Mason University)
Moderation: Werner Wintersteiner (University of Klagenfurt)
15.04.2024 Acknowledging, Understanding, and Adapting to the Complexity of Radical Disagreement
Lecture: Oliver Ramsbotham (Bradford University)
Discussion: Susan Allen (George Mason University)
Moderation: Werner Wintersteiner (University of Klagenfurt)
22.04.2024 Critical Realism and Interactive Conflict Transformation: Connecting Integrative Metatheory, Multi–dimensional Social Theory, and Transformative Practice
Presentation, moderation, and discussion: Oliver Fink, Wilfried Graf, and Gudrun Kramer (Herbert C. Kelman Institute)
29.04.2024 Addressing Persistent Fault Lines in Multi–Ethnic States: Using Inter– and Intra–group Dialogues on Widening Identities and Narratives, Commemoration and Minority Rights
Lecture: Jürgen Pirker (University of Graz)
Discussion: Oliver Fink (Herbert C. Kelman Institute)
Moderation: Tamra Pearson d'Estrée (University of Denver)
06.05.2024 Broadening the Use of Interactive Problem Solving
Lecture: Christopher Mitchell (George Mason University)
Moderation and Presentation: Oliver Fink (Herbert C. Kelman Institute)
13.05.2024 Building a Human Infrastructure Across Conflict Lines for Reconciliation and Coexistence: The Case of Cyprus
Lecture: Maria Hadjipavlou (University of Cyprus)
Discussion: Joseph Marko (University of Graz)
Moderation: Tamra Pearson d'Estrée (University of Denver)
27.05.2024 ‘Conceptualizing Change in the World System’: Towards a More Complex and Comprehensive Understanding of Peace and Conflict Research
Werner Wintersteiner (University of Klagenfurt)
Discussion: Wilfried Graf (Herbert C. Kelman Institute)
Moderation: Jürgen Pirker (University of Graz)
03.06.2024 Exploring Reconciliation’s Identity Paradoxes
Lecture: Tamra Pearson d'Estrée (University of Denver)
Discussion: Lusine Kharatyan (International Organization of Migration)
Moderation: Jürgen Pirker (University of Graz)
10.06.2024 Learning to Accommodate Others’ Worldviews
Lecture: Jeff Seul (Harvard University)
Moderation and discussion: Oliver Fink (Herbert C. Kelman Institute)
17.06.2024 Moving Beyond Dichotomies of Narratives and Identity: The Transformative Process of Dialogue
Lecture: Maya Kahanoff (Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
Moderation and discussion: Oliver Fink (Herbert C. Kelman Institute)
24.06.2024 Panel Discussion At the University of Graz, RESOWI center, SZ 15.21
On the panel: Tamra Pearson d'Estrée (University of Denver), Wolfgang Petritsch (Austrian Diplomat), Sokol Kondi (United Nations Peaebuilding Liaison Office Vienna), Farida Amiri (Peace Activist)